Généalogie outaouaise
Accueil > Annuaires > Annuaire d'Aylmer 1851
Annuaire d'Aylmer 1851
Description d'Aylmer
The County Town of the County of Ottawa, in the Township of Hull, is situated on the Chaudière Lake, eight miles above Bytown.
The town was originally laid out by Charles Symmes, Esq., in 1830, and is now a thriving place, containing several large Lumbering Establishments. Populagtion about 1000 - for stage and steamboat faces, see "Bytown"
Liste alphabétique des professions, commerces, etc.
Hôtel British, Robert Conroy, - travellers will find every convenience at this house, and conveyances are furnished when required. |
Carter Brock, médecin et chirurgien |
Carter Geo. S., avocat |
Church, Peter H., M.D., médecin et chirurgien |
Conroy Robert, marchand de bois, magasin général, et l'hôtel British |
Egan John & Co., marchand de bois, et magasin général - agent de la compagnie d'assurance National Loan Fund Life Assurance de London |
Egan John, M.P.P., pour le comté d'Otttawa |
Fenwick Thomas G., avocat, &c., s'occupe de la cour de circuit du comté de Deux-Montagnes. |
Roney J.J., arpenteur provincial de terre et magasin général |
Wadsworth James, lumber merchant and general store |
Liste alphabétique
Alyn Peter, jun., |
advocate |
Aylmer Bakery, R. Conroy |
Aylmer Union Steam Mill Company, R.A. Young, |
secretary and treasurer |
Bolton George, |
innkeeper |
Berry John, |
tinsmith |
Bytown & Aylmer Turnpike Road Company, R.A. Young, |
secretary |
Chepmell Henry, |
grocer |
Clock Robert, |
innkeeper |
Connor John, |
tailor |
Conroy James, |
innkeeper |
Coughlan M., |
lumber merchant and general store |
Cousineau Mark, |
tinsmith |
Cullen Michael, |
tailor |
Driscoll Alfred, |
provincial land surveyor |
Equitable Fire Assurance Company of London, R.A. Young, |
agent |
Freeman James, |
baker |
Foran John, |
lumber merchant and general store |
Haldane Mark, |
general store |
Hughes Rev. Mr., |
Roman Catholic |
Johnson Rev. J.G., |
Church of England |
Kenney William, |
carriagemaker |
Kennedy Donald, |
architect and builder |
Lafontaine A., |
advocate and clerk of the court |
Larue Andrew, |
notary public |
Masson Joseph, |
provincial land surveyor |
Murphy Henry, |
tinsmith |
Newman John, |
provincial land surveyor |
Ottawa Argus, weeklypaper, T. Watson, |
publisher |
Parker Asa, |
gardener and seedman |
Ronge Andrew, |
saddler and harnessmaker |
Smith Dryden, |
innkeeper |
Snow John, |
provincial land surveyor |
Symmes Charles C., |
lumber merchant |
Taylor James F., |
county registrar |
Thompson James, |
general store |
Topley J., |
saddler and harnessmaker |
Trombeault J.B., |
innkeeper |
Watson Thomas, |
printer |
White Richard, |
tailor |
Woods J.R., |
postmaker, and general store |
Young R.A., |
notary public |